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Train parts
Wheel shafts are the most important part for ensuring the safety of trains.
CERALABEL SL has been applied to wheel shafts for information control of related parts.
They provide more than 20 years of durability in the form of weather resistance and heat resistance, and excellent long term shock resistance against vibration.
Suitable label CERALABEL SL
Glass testing instruments, glass plates for inspection
CERALABEL-GREEN has been applied to glass testing instruments, such as tubes, pots and plates used with various chemical solutions such as organic solvents, acids and alkaline solutions in laboratories and inspection organizations.
After applying CERALABEL-GREEN, it is fired at 550 - 650°C to temper heat resistance up to 550°C and enhance chemical resistance.
Suitable label CERALABEL-GREEN
Beer casks
Beer casks supplied to restaurants and bars are often stored in open air and not always handed carefully. CERALABEL SL has been chosen as the barcode label for such beer casks because of its excellent weather resistance, chemical resistance and long life.
Suitable label CERALABEL SL
Trays for meat processing
Trays for meal processing are washed with alkaline solvent. Etched labels have an etched barcode pattern on a stainless steel substrate. It has excellent chemical resistance and is suitable for washing processes that use high temperature and high density alkaline solvent.
Suitable label Etched Label
Ceramic sanitary wares
Because it can withstand firing in a kiln at 1200 °C or more for a long time, CERALABEL-GREEN and CERALABEL WS have been applied for manufacturing control of sanitary ceramicware.
With more than 100 types of products of varying shape and color, CERALABEL-GREEN and CERALABEL WS can identify these products and keep the production process moving correctly. This helps to improve quality and turnout.
Medical clothes, rental costumes
Fabric label is incredibly durable against cleaning and has been used for white garments, surgical drapes at hospitals, work clothes at factories, costumes for the casts of TV programs, movies and theme parks, the control for rental costumes at wedding centers and the control for linens at hotels.
Fabric label has the durability against more than 100 times of cleaning, more than 40 times of dry-cleaning and heat resistance up to approximately 200deg.C.
Suitable label Woven fabric label

≫≫≫ Barcode Labels Product line-up
≫≫≫ Barcode Label Properties at a Glance